Impressions Made on Me by My First Visit to a Big Town
I vividly recall my first visit, as a boy of twelve, to a big town. I had hardly been outside the confines (边缘) of the village where I was born and I had met and talked to no more than a few hundred people; but those few hundred I knew very well. Of course we did sometimes see a strange face, but visitors from the outside world, whose coming always aroused great excitement, were few and far between (稀少). When I reached the town that I mentioned I was first overcome by the striking change from the slow and quiet life I had been used to. Surely those swiftly (迅速地) moving vehicles (车辆) must inevitably collide (必然碰撞) with each other----or with us----at any moment, and those tall building collapse (倒坍) and crush (压碎) us all!