I was really honoured to be one of the students sent to South Korea to improve the relation between our city, Zibo, and our sister city—Gwangju (光州) City. When my teacher told me that I was chosen, I was happy and surprised and an image of the country appeared in my dreams several times. Also, many 1 ran through my mind, such as how would we communicate?
2 I saw the friendly faces of our South Korean partners waiting outside the hotel, all my questions floated off to the Pacific Ocean. We 3 a warm welcome organized by the government and settled into the Aria House Hotel.
4 the next seven days, we visited many places, including Never Land, the biggest park in South Korea and the Seoul World Cup Stadium (汉城世界杯体育场).
But what 5 me most was the experience I had in their school. The school was built on a hill, so we had