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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小914 K
  • 更新时间2024/11/29 11:56:00
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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[2024·江西省萍乡市高三上学期一模]Life, as I know, has changed. My beloved nanny, a stand­in parent in the absence of my father, had cancer. It was terminal.

As she watched Getaway on television, she talked to me that she'd never __1__ Australia and that she would never later. I __2__ the sadness, tears streaming down my face. Overwhelmed with much grief, I __3__ the power of Facebook and the collective strength of human empathy. I raced from work to __4__ strangers on the internet. “My nanny was ill and she will never see the world. Please send her postcards so she can see the world from her armchair. I can offer nothing but __5__

Surprisingly, one afternoon, a postcard from the United States arrived in our letterbox. That simple postcard was to me a beacon of light in a lonely and __6__ chapter. I held it in my hands, read and re­read the words, feeling something I hadn't felt in a while—__7__. From that day, our letterbox became the __8__ for postcards from all over the world. Tears of happiness mixed with __9__ fell onto those postcards.

My dream of armchair travels became a __10__. We travelled the world together. Her living room became a departure hall. Her bed became an airport lounge and our flights __11__ daily. Whatever she shared became __12__. Our very last flight departed on a warm morning in early August in 2018.My dearest travel companion __13__ on in another time and place.

Among the hushed memories, the __14__ over 100 of them, made their final journey to Nanny's farewell. My nanny, a woman who worried she would never see the world, but did it without regret.

I have recovered from great loss knowing that life consists of first greetings and final partings. Flights arrive and then depart. People are __15__ to us, and taken away.

1A.admired    Bleft

Cdefended    Dhonored

2A.ate    Bdrank

Cchewed    Dswallowed

3A.considered    Bpounded

Cexpected    Dimagined

4A.pick up    Bsee off

Cturn to    Dhand over

5A.apology    Bgratitude

Csympathy    Dregret

6A.boring    Bavailable

Cblank    Dpleasant

7A.despair    Bdisappointment

Cembarrassment    Dhope

8A.destination    Bpurpose

Cprinciple    Dspot

9A.anger    Bconfusion

Cfear    Dsorrow

10A.goal    Bcoincidence

Creality    Dbrand

11A.departed    Bdisappeared

Ccontinued    Dtransported

12A.limitless    Bpriceless

Cuseless    Dvalueless

13A.relied    Bspent

Cjourneyed    Dturned

14A.flights    Bpostcards

Cairports    Dletterboxes

15A.showed    Bpushed

Coffered    Dbrought

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