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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本人教版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小926 K
  • 更新时间2024/6/27 14:37:12
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Some people can't stand garlic.“That smell is too strong.And it doesn't go away! There's nothing worse than garlic” they say. 1.F  Chester Aaron grows eighty­seven kinds of garlic on his farm.He wrote a book called Garlic Is Life.It seems that people either love garlic or hate it.

 2.D  The first wild garlic probably grew somewhere in western Russia.Later, travelers carried garlic to China, Europe, and North Africa.Farmers began planting it over 5,000 years ago.

People in many cultures shared similar ideas about garlic.For example, it was believed that garlic made it possible for slaves to work harder and longer.In Greece, the athletes of the first Olympic Games ate garlic, because they wanted to become stronger and faster. 3.A  In some places, garlic was called “food for lovers”People added it to other foods because it tasted good.

People in many cultures ate garlic when they got sick. 4.B  It was also supposed to help with different kinds of pain.

Is eating garlic actually good for you, or should we just laugh at these old ideas? The truth is, doctors today are telling their patients“Eat garlic”Recent research shows that garlic is good for your heart.

 5.G  In many cultures, people trusted garlic to protect them from all kinds of bad luck.Garlic is great, but it can't do that!

ABut garlic wasn't only for slaves and athletes.

BIt was supposed to make a cold or fever go away.

CIn China, people also used garlic to keep meat fresh.

DMaybe you don't know that garlic has a long history.

ERecent research shows that garlic is bad for our health.

FOther people say it tastes great and it's good for you, too.

GHowever, we can't accept every idea about garlic from the past.


1.根据上文“Some people can't stand garlic.‘That smell is too strong.And it doesn't go away! There's nothing worse than garlic' they say.”以及后文“It seems that people either love garlic or hate it.”可知,上文提到了有些人受不了大蒜,那么本句应当是提到一些人喜欢大蒜。上文“Some”可对应到 F选项中的“Other”,短语some...other...“一些……另一些……”。故F选项其他人说它味道好,对你也有好处符合语境,故选 F项。

2.根据后文“The first wild garlic probably grew somewhere in western Russia.Later, travelers carried garlic to China, Europe, and North Africa.Farmers began planting it over 5,000 years ago.”可知,本段主要是在介绍大蒜的历史。故D选项也许你不知道大蒜有很长的历史符合语境,故选D项。

3.根据上文“For example, it was believed that garlic made it possible for slaves to work harder and longer.In Greece, the athletes of the first Olympic Games ate garlic, because they wanted to become stronger and faster.”以及后文“In some places, garlic was called‘food for lovers’People added it to other foods because it tasted good.”可知,本句承上启下,总结上文,引出下文。故A选项但大蒜并不只是奴隶和运动员吃的符合语境,故选A 项。

4.根据上文“People in many cultures ate garlic when they got sick.”以及后文“It was also supposed to help with different kinds of pain.”可知,本句是在介绍大蒜治疗疾病的功效。B选项中“It was supposed to”与后文“It was also supposed to”在句式上形成排比。故B选项它应该能使感冒或发烧消失符合语境,故选B项。

5.根据后文“In many cultures, people trusted garlic to protect them from all kinds of bad luck.Garlic is great, but it can't do that可知,本段是在说关于大蒜的观点。故G选项然而,我们不能接受过去所有关于大蒜的观点符合语境,故选G项。

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