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Louise Gluck has been no stranger to awards over her long and storied career since her first publication in 1968. In 1993, she won the Pulitzer Prize for her collection of poems, The Wild Iris. And on Oct 8 (2020) she became the 16th woman to win the Nobel Prize in literature with the Nobel prizes first awarded in 1901.

Gluck was honored “for her unmistakable poetic voice that, with plain and simple beauty, makes individual existence universal”. Often said to be an autobiographical poet, drawing from the inner parts of her life, “Gluck seeks the universal” Nobel Committee Chair Anders Olsson said in a statement.

Gluck, 77, the author of 12 poetry collections, has been able to turn her life experiences into universal themes covering life, loss, and isolation. Because of this, readers have often found her poetry to be “dark”. However, there is much more than darkness in her voice, as noted by Olsson. “It is candid and also a voice full of humor and biting wit.” he said.

For example, in her poem Snowdrops, she uses the coming of spring after winter to show rebirth of life after death. She leads readers down a depressing path only to reconnect with the light at the near end. At the conclusion of the poem, readers are left to feel the “raw wind of the new world” as they watch a new spring. This is often the case in Gluck's poetry, being able to feel joy even after not having done so for a long time.

When her work Faithful Virtuous Night received a National Book Award for Poetry in 2014, a judge for the award went on to say, the collection comes from “a world where darkness blurs (模糊) ordinarily sharp edges around the oppositions of our lives-loss and renewal, male and female, the living and the dead”

Talking of prizes, she acknowledged that they can make “existence in the world easier” but did not amount to the immortality (永生) of a true artist. “I want to live after I die, in that ancient way.” she said. “And there's no way of knowing whether that will happen, and there will be no knowing, no matter how many blue ribbons have been used to cover my body.” The remark is in line with Olsson's description of Gluck's poetic voice as “candid and uncompromising” but frequently witty.

语篇导读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了第16位获得诺贝尔文学奖的女性Louise Gluck(路易丝·格鲁克)的诗歌特点。

1What can we learn about Louise Gluck A 

AShe is a productive and distinguished poet.

BShe showed indifference to the Nobel award.

CShe had her first publication in her teens.

DShe gets inspiration from universal existence.

解析:细节理解题。由第一段中的“In 1993, she won the Pulitzer Prize for her collection of poems, The Wild Iris. And on Oct 8 (2020) she became the 16th woman to win the Nobel Prize in literature with the Nobel prizes first awarded in 1901.(1993年,她因诗集《野鸢尾》获得普利策奖。2020108日,她成为第16位获得诺贝尔文学奖的女性,诺贝尔文学奖于1901年首次颁发。)”和第三段中的“Gluck, 77, the author of 12 poetry collections, has been able to turn her life experiences into universal themes covering life, loss, and isolation. (77岁的Gluck12本诗集的作者,她能够将自己的人生经历转化为涵盖生命、失落和孤独的普遍主题。)”可知,普利策奖和诺贝尔文学奖获得者Gluck12本诗集的作者,说明她是一位多产的杰出诗人。故选A

2How do readers feel after reading Snowdrops D 

ADepressed.                      BConfused.

CAstonished.                     DRefreshed.

解析:推理判断题。由第四段中的“For example, in her poem Snowdrops, she uses the coming of spring after winter to show rebirth of life after death. She leads readers down a depressing path only to reconnect with the light at the near end. At the conclusion of the poem, readers are left to feel the ‘raw wind of the new world’ as they watch a new spring.(例如,在她的诗《雪花》中,她用冬后春天的到来来表现死后生命的重生。她引导读者走上一条令人沮丧的道路,却在接近尽头时与光明重新连接。诗的结尾,让读者在观看新春的同时感受新世界的原始风')”可知,《雪花》能引导读者在接近尽头时与光明重新连接,读者能感受新春和新世界的原始风,换句话说读者感受到的东西都是积极向上的,因此读完后,读者会感到精神焕发(refreshed)。故选D

3According to Gluck, how do awards influence artists D 

ABy improving their health and fame.

BBy popularizing their works better.

CBy contributing to their living longer.

DBy allowing them a better living.

解析:细节理解题。由最后一段中的“Talking of prizes, she acknowledged that they can make ‘existence in the world easier’ but did not amount to the immortality (永生) of a true artist.(谈到奖品,她承认奖品可以使在世界上活着更容易,但并不等于一个真正艺术家的永生。)”可知,Gluck认为奖品可以使在世界上活着更容易,换句话说,奖品能让艺术家过上更好的生活。故选D

4What is the text mainly about D 

AGluck's poetry collections.

BGluck's journey to success.

CThe glories of Gluck's poetry.

DThe features of Gluck's poetry

解析:主旨大意题。第一段引入16位获得诺贝尔文学奖的女性Louise Gluck(路易丝·格鲁克)”,第二、三段讲“Louise Gluck的诗歌特点,第四、五段举例说明她的诗歌特点,最后一段讲“Louise Gluck对奖品的看法和其他人对她的评价,因此文章主要讲的是Louise Gluck的诗歌特点。故选D

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