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北京市学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考试题(英语 无答案)
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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小111 K
  • 更新时间2024/6/11 11:33:52
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There is one road that spans thousands of years. Along it are the echoes of camel belts, 29   (connect)past with present. Crossing mountains and seas, the road unveils a promising traderoute between the East and West. The road fully embraces the diversity of civilizations.    30    (propose)by China in 2013, the road belongs to the whole world with peace and development asits beacon. It    31   (embody)principles ofextensive consultation and joint contribution forshared benefits. Eventually it leads to a vision of happiness and well-being for people of allcountries. It is a bond of cooperation as well as friendship. It is not only a road of trade, but alsoa road of happiness.


Researchers are studying the unconscious reactions that happen when we make eye contact.They have found that making eye contact makes us less aware of    32    is happening aroundus. We become more focused on the person looking at us. Eye contact also increases brain activityand makes us more self-conscious. Even looking at a painting    33    appears to be makingeye contact can also affect areas of the brain related to thinking about ourselves and other people.Studies have also shown that it is    34   (hard)for people to concentrate when someone islooking at them. This form of eye contact interferes with our    35   (imagine)and even ourworking memory.


   36   (celebrate)Dragon Boat Festival, an underwater dance performance titled Praywas aired on Henan TV last Saturday night, the first day of the holiday. Featuring the goddess ofLuo River — a mysterious beauty best known in the poetry of Cao Zhi during the ThreeKingdoms period, , the dancer Haohao He,    37   former synchronized swimmer(花样游泳), recreated the elegance of this ancient Chinese goddess. The entire dance  38    (film)in26 hours, according to the show’s director Jiyong Guo. Netizens, amazed by the performance, commented every frame of it looks like a mural (壁画). Some said it speaks to real culturalconfidence.

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