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【外研版】2022年高中英语必修二Module 3 单元检测卷(三)练习题及答案
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小2238 K
  • 更新时间2023/7/5 10:32:07
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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It is certainly true that all parents in the world love their children.However parents show their love in different ways as their views of life are __36__ .Generally speakingparents can be divided into three types—the monarch (帝王) typethe servant typeand the friend type.

It is __37__ for the monarch­type parents to get angry.And they are ready to order others and glad to be the center of everything.They insist that their children should __38__ them without question.They give little __39__ to othersof courseincluding their children.The __40__ they most often say to their children are“You __41__ do this.”

Different from the monarch­type parentsthe servant­type parents  __42__ around their children all the timebusy serving them.They are __43__gentle and easy­going.They never __44__ any of their children’s requirements.They are happy so long as their children are glad.With the __45__ that love means sacrifice (牺牲)they are ready to __46__ anything of their own for their children’s benefits.They __47__ askWhat else can we do for you

The friend­type parents respect and __48__ their children as friends.They discuss the latest news with their children__49__ their children’s interestsand listen to their children’s expressions of emotionwhether it is angerfearjoy or sadness.They discuss __50__ with their children rather than __51__ ready solutions.They often sayLet’s put our heads together and see what we can do.

Most children __52__ the third type of parents.And a free and friendly __53__ atmosphere is suitable to the development of children both in body and in mind.The monarch­type parents and the servant­type parents should change their ways of __54__ their love if they want their children to grow up __55__ and happily.

36A.special                Bstrange                                                       

Cdifferent                  Dusual                                                          

37A.unusual               Beasy                                                           

Cbad                         Ddifficult                                                     

38A.obey                   Blike                                                            

Chelp                        Dpraise                                                         

39A.love                    Bsupport                                                       

Crespect                     Dencouragement                                            

40A.lessons                Bmessages                                                    

Csentences                 Dwords                                                        

41A.can                     Bshould                                                        

Cmay                        Dneed                                                          

42A.travel                  Blive                                                            

Cdance                      Dmove                                                         

43A.kind                   Brude                                                           

Cfoolish                     Dexcellent                                                    

44A.accept                 Ballow                                                         

Crefuse                      Dmeet                                                          

45A.idea                    Bwish                                                           

Cagreement                Ddecision                                                     

46A.sell  out             Bgive  up

Cuse  up                   Dbring  up

47A.never                  Bseldom                                                       

Csometimes                Dalways                                                       

48A.teach                  Braise                                                           

Cpunish                     Dtreat                                                           

49A.share                  Bcorrect                                                       

Cstop                         Dbear                                                           

50A.plans                  Bdangers                                                      

Cproblems                 Dhopes                                                         

51A.find                    Binvent                                                        

Csearch                      Dprovide                                                      

52A.welcome             Bthank                                                         

Chave                        Drequire                                                       

53A.rest                     Bfamily                                                        

Cclass                        Dwork                                                          

54A.showing              Bdeveloping                                                  

Cwasting                    Dvaluing                                                      

55A.successfully         Bquietly                                                       

Chealthily                  Dsafely                                                         

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