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(人教版)Unit 1 Science Fiction(同步练习)选择性必修第四册(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本人教版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小37 K
  • 更新时间2022/11/9 8:55:35
    下载统计今日0 总计2
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A Supporting Orphans

We believe that children are our future. They are our best chance for a change toward a more loving and peaceful world. For this reason, the Where is Willie Foundation dedicates (  ) most of its efforts to supporting orphans (孤儿) by providing aid to orphanages in Ukraine, India and Colombia.

You have the power to provide an orphaned child with the foundation for a better future. Donate or volunteer today to help create a stable, loving home for these children.

The Where is Willie Foundation is a registered non-profit charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible ( 可免税的). No goods or services will be provided in exchange for any contribution.

Donate Now

You may also choose to support our #FeedTheStreet fund that provides healthy meals to displaced families and the homeless in Ukraine and Colombia, where just $5 feeds a family of three for a day.

You can donate digital currency:

Bitcoin wallet address: 3C7UsdV7DUCwgMQqGfUnEpSN1MU


Litecoin wallet address: LhxgTim1GGG338BMP7NuYpzaPMc2 JZD9jn

Ethereum wallet address: 0x2F0b074E98b178586785cfb8D1B77b



Willie needs your help with his Orphanage and #FeedTheStreet programs in Ukraine, India, and Colombia. We are also open to supporting similar programs in other countries.

If you want to participate or start a new program in your community, then please complete the form on our website. You may also call us in North America at 1-800-370-2420 or on WhatsApp, Viber or Telegram at +380638841748.

21. What do we know about the Where is Willie Foundation?

A. It is a profitable organization.

B. It aims to help homeless children.

C. It provides contributors with free services.

D. It requires contributors to pay taxes on their donations.

22. How can people donate to #FeedTheStreet fund?

A. By buying its goods.              

B. By calling 1-800-370-2420.

C. By paying to certain wallet addresses.

D. By sending meals to the homeless in India.

23. What should you do to start a new program in your community?

A. Volunteer for Orphanage programs.

B. Send an application email to Willie.

C. Donate at least $5 to #FeedTheStreet programs.

D. Fill out the form on the Where is Willie Foundation's website.

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