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The Best Art Competitions to Enter in 2021

Check out our guide to some of the best art contests to enter this year.

Acrylic Works 9

Prize: $2,000 first prize, $1,000 second prize Entry Fee: $45

Requirements: Open to artists in the United States and Canada Closing Date: October 18, 2021

For the Acrylic Works 9 competition, the organizers are looking for the best in acrylic (丙烯酸) painting of a variety of styles and subjects. The entries will be judged in two rounds according to artistic technique, design and creative elements, as well as overall impression and impact. Winners’ works will be shown in Artists magazine.

Splash 23

Prize: $2,000 first prize, $1,000 second prize Entry Fee: $45

Requirements: Open to artists in the United States and Canada Closing Date: June 14, 2021

For the Splash 23 contest, the organizers are looking for original watercolor paintings. Each entry must be painted with watercolor. However, some minor use of other mediums may be acceptable. Top paintings of winners will appear in a special edition of Watercolor Artist magazine.

The Lumen Prize for Digital Art

Prize: $4,000 first prize Entry Fee: $48 for two works

Requirements: Open to artists worldwide Closing Date: June 8, 2021

This digital art competition is organized by Lumen Art Projects Ltd, a non-profit organization that’s aimed at providing new opportunities for digital artists around the world. Categories include Still, Moving Image, 3D/ Interactive and Artificial Intelligence.


Award Prize: $3,000 first prize Entry Fee: Free

Requirements: Open to artists in California Closing Date: July 31, 2021

Hosted by the Brea Gallery, the competition intends to provide a great opportunity for all artists based in the state of California. All artworks will be considered. And there is also a solo (单独的) show opportunity for artists who submit a body of work containing 5-10 pieces.

1. What does Acrylic Works 9 and Splash 23 have in common?

A. They are open to all artists.

B. They focus on different styles.

C. The winners’ paintings will appear in a magazine.

D. The deadlines of the competitions are both in October.

2. Which competition will be open to the widest range of artists?

A. Splash 23.                                 B. Acrylic Works 9.

C. California Award.                          D. The Lumen Prize for Digital Art.

3. Why does the Brea Gallery hold the competition?

A. To offer opportunities for artists in the US.

B. To inspire creative ideas in paintings.

C. To provide a solo show for all artists.

D. To encourage local artists to take part.

【答案】1. C    2. D    3. D


【分析】本文为应用文。文章介绍了2021 年的四项艺术竞赛。


细节理解题。根据Acrylic Works 9Winners’ works will be shown in Artists Magazine.(获奖者的作品将在艺术家杂志上展示)Splash 23Top paintings of winners will appear in a special edition of Watercolor Artist Magazine.(获奖者的顶级画作将出现在水彩艺术家杂志的特刊上)可知,这两个比赛的共同点是获奖作品会在杂志上刊出。故选C


细节理解题。根据The Lumen Prize for Digital ArtOpen to the artists worldwide.(向全世界的艺术家开放)可知,The Lumen Prize for Digital Art.这个竞赛将向最广泛的艺术家开放。故选D


推理判断题。 根据文章最后一段中Hold by the Brea Gallery, the competition intends to provides a great opportunity for all artists based in the state.(该竞赛由布雷亚画廊举办,旨在为本州所有艺术家提供一个巨大的机会)可知,举办这个比赛的目的是鼓励当地的艺术家。故选D

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