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2022年高考二轮复习30分语言运用限时满分练四(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小932 K
  • 更新时间2022/6/5 11:18:41
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Whatever made you fall in love with horses happened to me. I often  1  myself owning my own horse. 

After taking riding lessons for a year, I decided to buy a horse and Dad agreed—if I  2  half the money. I worked and saved 100 dollars, a  3  those days. 

 4 , 200 dollars wasnt much to buy a horse. But I was  5  to look for one on a limited  6 . I was introduced to Rusty, a 20-year-old horse, who had been abused and had a mistrust of  7 .When I approached, he looked  8  at me. However, he was my dream horse and I decided to take it! 

Gradually, we became inseparable and he grew strong and energetic despite his  9 . But one morning, Rusty was suddenly ill. The vet said he had cancer and suggested humanely putting him to  10 .The next morning, Dad loaded Rusty into the truck and I waved goodbye to him, pretty sure it was for the  11  time. 

Later that day, I was crying in bed when Dad called me. There, inside the truck was Rusty! I jumped up, hugging him and crying with  12 . Rusty  13 me for another happy year before the cancer finally took him. By then, we were a little more  14 

Rusty isnt here  15 , but love lives on, and Rusty will live in my heart forever. 


1.A.enjoyed       B.pictured

C.appreciated     D.found

2.A.donated       B.borrowed

C.earned          D.loaned

3.A.deal          B.prize

C.bonus           D.fortune

4.A.Actually      B.Strangely

C.Alternatively   D.Totally

5.A.excited       B.determined

C.delighted       D.expected

6.A.energy        B.ability

C.level           D.budget

7.A.customers     B.strangers

C.children        D.adults

8.A.angrily       B.eagerly

C.sadly           D.cautiously

9.A.illness       B.size

C.age             D.disability

10.A.test         B.sleep

C.training        D.competition

11.A.biggest      B.worst

C.last            D.first

12.A.excitement   B.shock

C.pity            D.blessing

13.A.inspired     B.defended

C.accompanied     D.refreshed

14.A.prepared     B.relaxed

C.amazed          D.concerned

15.A.completely   B.eventually

C.spiritually     D.physically

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