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江西省抚州市黎川县第一中学2021-2022学年高一上学期第一次月考试题 含解析(英语)
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Known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Chinese Moon Festival is an important and favorite holiday for Chinese people around the world. The Chinese Moon Festival is a joyous time for family, friends, and couples to reunite under a full moon.

Moon Festival Legends

Known as Zhongqiu Jie in Chinese, the Moon Festival dates back over 3,000 years. Many legends have developed over the years. Most stories are based on the idea that the goddess Chang’e lives on the moon. One story suggests that the moon goddess was the wife of a legendary archer(弓箭手) who was ordered to shoot down all of the suns in the sky except one. After accomplishing the task, he was given an immortality(不死) pill as a reward. His wife found and took the pill instead, then later flew to the moon, where she lives now.

What to Expect During the Chinese Moon Festival

The Chinese Moon Festival is a time to take a needed break from work, reunite with family and friends, and pay respect to the full moon with poems and by eating mooncakes. Couples take full advantage of the Moon Festival as a romantic time to sit under a full moon while sharing cakes. Many shops and businesses may be closed in celebration of the holiday; transportation options may be full or limited.

21. The purpose of this article is ________.

A. to introduce the Chinese Moon Festival

B. to describe what to do on the Moon Festival

C. to imply that the Chinese like the Moon Festival

D. to show that the Moon Festival is the most important festival

22. What was the archer forced to do?

A. To take a pill given to him as a reward.                     B. To make only one sun stay in the sky.

C. To give his legendary wife a good lesson.                   D. To show his wife how brave he was.

23. When the Chinese celebrate the Moon Festival, ________.

A. they all stay out all night to enjoy the full moon

B. they get together with their families and friends

C. they prefer to travel with their sweethearts

D. they like to go shopping

【答案】21. A    22. B    23. B




推理判断题。根据第一段内容Known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Chinese Moon Festival is an important and favorite holiday for Chinese people around the world. The Chinese Moon Festival is a joyous time for family, friends, and couples to reunite under a full moon.(被称为中秋节,中国中秋节是世界各地中国人民重要和最喜爱的节日。中国的中秋节是家人、朋友和情侣在满月下团聚的欢乐时光)以及下文的段落小标题,可推断,文章的目的是介绍中国的中秋节。故选A


细节理解题。根据第二段的One story suggests that the moon goddess was the wife of a legendary archer(弓箭手) who was ordered to shoot down all of the suns in the sky except one.( 有一个故事表明,月亮女神是一个传奇的弓箭手的妻子,被命令击落天空中所有的太阳,只剩一个太阳)可知,这个弓箭手被迫让天空只剩下一个太阳。故选B


细节理解题。根据最后一段的The Chinese Moon Festival is a time to take a needed break from work, reunite with family and friends, and pay respect to the full moon with poems and by eating mooncakes.( 中国的中秋季是一个休息,与家人和朋友团聚,用诗歌和吃月饼来表达满月的时候)可知,中国人庆祝中秋节,他们会与家人和朋友聚会。故选B

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