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A Four-day Trip to Italy

Day 1 : Bologna

A full day to explore one of Italy's most undervalued but beautiful cities, including the Cathedral San Petronio's observatory; Palazzo Archiginnasio and Anatomical Theatre. Wel­come to the talk “Vital Forces: Soul, Mind and Body in the Human and Animal Worlds" from Andrew Spira and dinner with wine at a local restaurant.

Day 2 : Florence

In the company of Andrew Spira, a full day of exploration of this wonderful city includes the Fondazione Scienza e Tecnica; Pazzi Chapel and monument to Galileo in Santa Croce; and Galileo Science Museum. A lecture from David Wootton.

Day 3 : Florence

During your final full day in Florence? Andrew will guide you around the Cathedral Museuma wonderful experience due to the amazing housing of the Cathedrals treasures including works by Michelangelo, Brunelleschi and the original Gates of Paradise. A lecture from David Wootton.

Day 4 : Bologna then depart

On the last day, there is a morning visit to the “off the beaten track” Museum of Commu­nication and well transport you to Bologna airport. You have to pay your own fare home after you get off the plane. You are welcome to spend additional time in Bologna and our operating partner Travel Edition can help you with additional nights accommodation , visits and alternate travel arrangements.


Price: £ 1,825

The main things to visit: From astronomic? architectural, medical and mathematical per­spectives, during the trip, you'll look at the wonderful collections, buildings and churches that show the rich knowledge of the Renaissance 文艺复兴while enjoying these beautiful cities.

To book: call UK+44 (0) 207 251 0045 or email us

The guide: Andrew Spira a historian

1. What can visitors do on Day 1?

A. Visit a monument.                    B. Visit the city museum.

C. Enjoy a meal with wine.              D. Enjoy Michelangelo's works.

2. Which is the same thing visitors can do on Day 2 and Day 3?

A. Touring Bologna.                     B. Going to the theater.

C. Visiting a nature museum.            D. Attending a lecture.

3. Which of the following is the highlight of the trip?

A. It is guided by a historian.

B. It offers free transport and meals.

C. It requires booking online in advance.

D. It is aimed to teach visitors about modern architecture.

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