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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小981 K
  • 更新时间2021/4/8 13:58:27
    下载统计今日0 总计1
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The boy sat on his chairwith his hands above the keyboard. He thought about what to write.

He recalled that the competition deadline was merely a week away. But he still had not even started on his piece. He looked at the brochure again.WRITING COMPETITION!” the title read. His mom had encouraged him to enter the writing competitionand now he was taking it on as his personal task for the holidays.

As the boy reflected on his previous writing effortshe realized how hopeless his task of winning was. Every story he ever wrote was based on other stories. He has little imaginationand unfortunatelyimagination was the key to writing.

Suddenlyhe had a brainwave. This timehe came up with an original and imaginative story.

The words shot towards him like a storm of leaves. Words were coming easilyflowing through himfaster than he could type. He typed faster than he ever had before .He continued to typeamazed how easy writing this story was. The boy could not stop writing. He looked at the word count and saw the number“248” staring right back at him. He was not even halfway yet.

Then he heard his mother's call of saying time for bed. He continued writing the pieceignoring her. He had to make up for the time he had lost in thinking about a topic to write.

Finallyhe finished. The word count now read498”.

Perfect,”he thought,“just under the word limit.He knew this was the story that would win. He went to the website and searched for the competition. He found the page but there was no Enter button.

Confusedhe then re­read the page again. It read COMPETITION CLOSED.

21.  What caused the boy to take part in the writing competition?

     AA new computer.

     BThe prize money.

     CHis own interest.

     DHis mom's encouragement.

22  How did the boy finish his earlier writing?

AHis mom helped him.

BHe copied others' ideas.

CHis friends assisted him.

DHe used his imagination.

23.  Which might be the maximum word limit for each entry?

A100.             B250.         C500.     D1000.

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