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(外研版)2021届高考英语一轮复习第一编选修8Module5TheConquestoftheUniverse课时作业(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小1108 K
  • 更新时间2021/4/6 14:48:57
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Find Your Adventure at the Space and Aviation (航空) Center

If you're looking for a unique adventure, the Space and Aviation Center (SAC) is the place to be. The Center offers programs designed to challenge and inspire with hands­on tasks and lots of fun.

More than 750,000 have graduated from SAC, with many seeking employment in engineering, aviation, education, medicine and a wide variety of other professions. They come to camp, wanting to know what it is like to be an astronaut or a pilot, and they leave with real­world applications for what they're studying in the classroom.

For the trainees, the programs also offer a great way to earn merit badges (荣誉徽章). At Space Camp, trainees can earn their Space Exploration badge as they build and fire model rockets, learn about space tasks and try simulated (模拟) flying to space with the crew from all over the world. The Aviation Challenge program gives trainees the chance to earn their Aviation badge. They learn the principles of flight and test their operating skills in the cockpit (驾驶舱) of a variety of flight simulators. Trainees also get a good start on their Wilderness Survival badge as they learn about water­and land­survival through designed tasks and their search and rescue of a “downed” pilot.

With all the programs, teamwork is key as trainees learn the importance of leadership and being part of a bigger task.

All this fun is available for ages 9 to 18. Families can enjoy the experience together, too, with Family Camp programs for families with children as young as 7.

Stay an hour or stay a week—there is something here for everyone!

For more details, please visit us online at www. oursac. com.


1Why do people come to SAC?

ATo experience adventures.

BTo look for jobs in aviation.

CTo get a degree in engineering.

DTo learn more about medicine.

答案:A 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句可知,人们来SAC是为了体验冒险。故选A

2To earn a Space Exploration badge, a trainee needs to         .

Afly to space

Bget an Aviation badge first

Cstudy the principles of flight

Dbuild and fire model rockets

答案:D 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,为了获得太空探索荣誉徽章,学员们需要建造和发射火箭模型。故选D

3What is the most important for trainees?

ALeadership.                         BTeam spirit.

CTask planning.                      DSurvival skills.

答案:B 细节理解题。根据第四段内容可知,在所有的项目中,团队合作是关键,因为学员知道了领导力以及成为更大任务中的一分子的重要性。因此对于学员来说,最重要的是团队精神。故选B

词汇积累】 ①unique adj. 独特的 ②seek v. 寻找;寻求 ③a wide variety of 多种多样的 ④principle n. 原理;原则;法则

难句分析】 原文:More than 750,000 have graduated from SAC, with many seeking employment in engineering, aviation, education, medicine and a wide variety of other professions. 750,000多人已经从航天航空中心毕业,其中很多人在工程、航空、教育、医学以及其他的各种职业中找到了工作。(第二段第一句)

分析:本句为简单句句中with many seeking employment ...with的复合结构

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