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(外研版)2021届高考英语一轮复习第一编选修8Module2TheRenaissance课时作业(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
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  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小1067 K
  • 更新时间2021/4/6 14:47:59
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(2020·吉林省梅河口市高三上学期联考)Nasr Majid started hunting this fall at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (保护区) on the Eastern Shore of Maryland in USA. He's one of the relatively few new hunters who officials hope will help stop a nearly four­decade decline nationally in what has become a hobby for fewer than 5 percent of Americans.

Natural resources and wildlife officials in Maryland are encouraging hunting of deer, turkeys and some other wild animals, which is believed to be good for the environment. Without hunting, they say, sika deer will overpopulate the wildlife refuge and they'll overeat the bushes and other plants that provide important habitat for birds. On the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay, hunting is also important to prevent the spread of diseases such as Lyme.

In many families, the hunting tradition has been handed down for generations. But as longtime sportsmen age and children lose interest, the number of hunters in the United States fell by 2 million, from 2011 to 2018, to about 11 million.

“Everything is changing. Kids are growing up in front of video games and computers instead of going hunting.” said Chris Markin, a hunting specialist for the state natural resources department. “Adults usually focus on working and providing for their families. Those pressures are preventing many other potential hunters from going out, and from raising the next generation of hunters.”

To avoid such a decline, a new approach is needed. Government agencies and nonprofit groups are now launching mentoring (指导) programs to train more hunters, which not only helps preserve an industry and a culture but also means more protection for wildlife and their habitats through deer population control and investment.

Luckily, there are those still eager to learn, like Majid. He was just looking for an outdoor hobby he could share with his children when he came across the mentors­hip program. Now, he feels capable of hunting on his own, but also has someone he can text with questions that pop up. His new pastime has already paid off for him—on his second hunt with his mentor, in the last minutes of daylight, he bagged his first deer.

篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了Nasr Majid在美国马里兰州东海岸黑水国家野生动物保护区狩猎,他是为数不多的几个新猎人之一,官员们希望这些新的猎人能帮助扭转近四十年来全国范围内的狩猎活动下降的局面。

1What can be inferred from Chris Markin's words?

ANo one is interested in hunting any more.

BHunting adds to many adults' life pressures.

CParents fail to spend enough time with kids.

DThe hunting tradition is facing challenges.

答案:D 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Everything is changing. Kids are growing up in front of video games and computers instead of going hunting.”以及“Adults usually focus on working and providing for their families. Those pressures are preventing many other potential hunters from going out, and from raising the next generation of hunters.” 可知,孩子们在电子游戏和电脑前长大,而不是去打猎。成年人通常专注于工作和养家糊口。这些压力阻碍了许多其他潜在猎人的外出,也阻碍了下一代猎人的培养。因此,狩猎传统正面临挑战。故选D

2In this passage, Nasr Majid is considered as a symbol of         .

Abravery                                 Bhope

Centhusiasm                              Ddevotion 

答案:B 细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知,今年秋天,Nasr Majid开始在美国马里兰州东海岸的黑水国家野生动物保护区狩猎,他是为数不多的几个新猎人之一,官员们希望这些新的猎人能帮助扭转近四十年来全国范围内的狩猎活动下降的局面。由此可知,Nasr Majid被认为是希望的象征。故选B

3What does the underlined words “new pastime” refer to?

ALearning to hunt.                       BRaising questions.

CLooking for hunters.                    DSharing a new hobby.

答案:A 词义猜测题。根据画线词前“Luckily, there are those still eager to learn, like Majid. He was just looking for an outdoor hobby he could share with his children”(幸运的是,仍有一些人渴望学习,比如马吉德。他只是想找一个可以和孩子们分享的户外爱好。)可知,画线词的意思是学习打猎。故选A

4What does the text mainly tell us?

ATeach hunters new skills.          

BPreserve a great tradition.

CMake hunting more popular.         

DReduce the pressure of life.

答案:C 主旨大意题。通读全文,特别是根据第一段内容可知,本文主要介绍了Nasr Majid在美国马里兰州东海岸黑水国家野生动物保护区狩猎,他是为数不多的几个新猎人之一,官员们希望这些新的猎人能帮助扭转近四十年来全国范围内的狩猎活动下降的局面。故选C

词汇积累】 ①refuge n. 庇护;避难 ②habitat n. (动植物的)生活环境,栖息地 ③hand down ……传下去 ④pop up 突然出现

难句分析】 原文:He's one of the relatively few new hunters who officials hope will help stop a nearly fourdecade decline nationally in what has become a hobby for fewer than 5 percent of Americans.他是为数不多的新猎人之一,官员们希望他能帮助阻止近四十年来全国范围内的狩猎活动的减少。狩猎活动已经成为不到5%的美国人的爱好。(第一段第二句)


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