It is not difficult to prepare for exams.
You should review your notes regularly. Every one of you has formed the habit of taking notes. However that's not enough. Make sure to review and expand upon your class. notes regularly throughout the term.①_______.
Don't cram(突击备考)at the last second. Evidence shows that students experience declining returns on their efforts when they attempt to study for four and five hours straight. So you shouldn't be reviewing the night before the exam because you will wake up tired.②_______Obviously, it's not worth the cost.
You should also complete a mock(模拟)test. If you complete it 3 -4 days before an exam, you’ll then know where to focus your studying. ③_______For your every subject, try answering a couple of potential questions on a timed, closed book basis and see how you do. Another simple way to conduct a mock test is to ask a friend or a classmate to give you an oral quiz based on contents in the textbooks or in your notes.
④_______A group study session is a fantastic model to review and compare notes, ask each other questions, explain ideas to one another, and discuss the difficult concepts. To focus on the topic, do set an agenda and a specific time frame for your group study session.
⑤_______The best food for the brain is sleep, so you'll need enough sleep during exam times. Try and get good quality sleep. Don't sleep with your books all over your bed or with lights, music or the. computer on.
A.?How can you finish this step?
B.Make sure to get plenty of sleep.
C.Make your room comfortable while sleeping.
D.Find a group of classmates with whom to study.
E.If so, you will not be able to focus during the exam.
F.Organize a study group before exams to discuss your notes.
G.Making good use of your notes will leave you well-prepared at exam time.