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(外研版)2021高考一轮统考复习Book5Module1BritishandAmericanEnglish课时作业(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小963 K
  • 更新时间2020/8/14 15:29:46
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 Monkeys are very similar to us in many ways—most have ten fingers and ten toes, and brains much like ours. We enjoy   1   them because they often act like us. In fact, Charles Darwin's theory of   2   says that monkeys and humans share a common   3  .

 Monkeys make us smile,   4   they are creatures full of playful tricks. This is why many monkey   5   are about tricky people or playful acts. One of these expressions is “monkey shines” meaning tricks or foolish acts. The meaning is   6   if you have ever watched a group of monkeys playfully chasing each other—  7   tails, stealing food, doing tricks. So, when a teacher says to a group of students, “  8   those monkey shines right now” You know that the kids are playing, instead of   9  .

 You might hear that same teacher   10   a student not to “monkey around” with   11   equipment. You “monkey around” with something when you are touching or playing with something you should   12  so next time, don't “monkey around” on this occasion.

 Also, you can “monkey around”   13   you feel like doing something, but have no   14   idea of what to do. For example, you tell your friend you are going out to spend the day “  15   around” with your car. Well, you don't have any jobs or goals in   16  —it is just a way to   17   the time.

 You may “make a monkey out of” someone when you make that person look   18  . Some people “make a monkey out of” themselves by doing something unwise.

 If one monkey has fun,   19   how much fun a barrel of monkeys can have! If your friend says he had “more fun than a barrel of monkeys” at your party, you know that he had a really   20   time.


1A.meeting                            Btouching 

Chearing                              Dwatching

答案:D 根据下文“they often act like us”可知,因为猴子的行为与人类相似,所以我们喜欢看猴子。故D项正确。

2A.conservation                       Bevolution    

Crevolution                           Drelation

答案:B 根据常识可知,此处指达尔文的进化论。故B项正确。

3A.origin                             Bplanet    

Cancestor                             Dfuture

答案:C 根据常识可知,达尔文的进化论认为人类和猴子有共同的祖先。故C项正确。

4A.because                            Bthough

Ceven if                              Das if

答案:A 根据语境可知,猴子逗我们笑是因为它们花样百出。后句是前句的原因。故A项正确。

5A.descriptions                       Bmottos     

Cexpressions                          Dstories

答案:C 根据下文“One of these expressions”可知,此处指的是许多和猴子有关的表达。故C项正确。

6A.easy                               Brich

Cexact                                Dclear

答案:D 根据下文“if you have ever watched a group of monkeys playfully chasing each other”可知,如果你曾见过一群猴子相互追逐嬉戏,那么“monkey shines”的意思就更清楚了。故D项正确。

7A.raising                            Bwaving

Cmoving                               Dpulling

答案:D 根据上文“chasing each other”可知,此处指一群猴子相互拽尾巴、偷食物、耍花招等等。故D项正确。

8A.Follow                             BStop

CStart                                DChange

答案:B 根据下文“You know that the kids are playing”可知,老师要求学生停止嬉闹。故B项正确。

9A.studying                           Bpraying   

Creviewing                            Dspeaking

答案:A 根据上文“when a teacher says to a group of students ... the kids are playing”可知,学生们正在嬉闹而不是在学习。故A项正确。

10A.warn                              Bpromise   

Cagree                                Dadvise

答案:A 根据下文可知,monkey around意为捣蛋,胡闹。由此可推知,此处指老师警告学生不要乱动设备。故A项正确。

11A.basic                             Bvaluable

Cstandard                             Dportable

答案:B 根据语境可知,老师警告学生不要动贵重的设备。故B项正确。

12A.stick to                          Bfigure out  

Cleave alone                          Dmake up

答案:C 句意:当你乱动你不应该动的东西时,你就是在添乱、捣乱。leave sth. alone表示不要碰某物,符合语境。故C项正确。

13A.until                             Bunless

Cwhen                                 Dbecause

答案:C 句意:当你感觉自己想做某事,但又不知道该做什么的时候,也可以用“monkey around”表达。根据句意可知,空格处应用when引导时间状语从句。故C项正确。

14A.simple                            Bmain    

Crough                                Dfirm

答案:D 根据下文“you don't have any jobs or goals”可知,此处指没有确定的想法。故D项正确。

15A.sticking                          Bhanging     

Cmoving                               Dmonkeying

答案:D 根据“For example”可知,此处举例说明上文提到的“monkey around”。故D项正确。

16A.time                              Bturn    

Cmind                                 Dplace

答案:C 根据上文“have no   14   idea of what to do”可知,此处指你脑子里没有任何任务或目标。in mind表示在头脑中,符合语境。故C项正确。

17A.save                              Bspend    

Cmake                                 Dpass

答案:D 根据上文“Well, you don't have any jobs or goals in”及对“monkey around”的阐释可知,你没有任务或目标,此处指打发时间。pass the time意为打发时间,符合语境。故D项正确。

18A.dangerous                         Bfoolish   

Clovely                               Dfearful

答案:B 根据下文“Some people ‘make a monkey out of’ themselves by doing something unwise.”可知,当你使别人看上去很傻时,你就是在戏弄他人。故B项正确。

19A.predict                           Bexpect    

Cimagine                              Dcount

答案:C 句意:如果一只猴子很有趣,那么想象一下一大群猴子会多么有趣啊!故C项正确。

20A.fantastic                         Bswift 

Cconvenient                           Dcozy

答案:A 句意:如果你的朋友说,在你的聚会上他比一群猴子还开心,那么你就知道他真的玩得非常开心。故A项正确。

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