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重庆市第一中学2019-2020学年高一英语上学期10月月考试题(英语 解析版)
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  • 更新时间2020/8/4 11:01:45
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Lost Horizon

In Frank Capra’s Lost Horizon, the passengers of a plane attacked after the takeoff in China are thrown together against their will only to be deposited in Shangri-La. During the life there, they realize that a family gathering should be about forming connections and taking time to consider one’s place in the family, in the community and even in the world.

The Human Comedy

Maybe as the finest film about the US “home front” during World War Two, The Human Comedy is a portrait of a family dealing with life after the oldest son is drafted into military service (兵役). Mickey Rooney plays the younger son missing his older brother but trying to get on with his life in high school.

Miracle on 34th Street

The Christmas classic was released in 1947, but it essentially set the stage for the 1950s. It’s about the birth of the post-war consumer culture, and how affection for family and friends can be best expressed by the act of spending money.

Mary Poppins

Sometimes a family needs to make a change but the Banks family is definitely in a rut. George seems to care more about his banking job than his wife and children. He needs to learn that sometimes all you need is a laugh for a laugh’s sake, tuppence(两便士) to feed the birds and the time to fly a kite. In the end, his change is as powerful as Ebenezer Scrooge’s.

Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope

Star Wars is about what happens after you make the choice to leave home for good. Of course, for Luke Skywalker, the choice to “take the first step into a larger world” is made for him when his family is killed. But his process of going out into the universe and discovering himself also involves gathering a new family.

1. Who of the following acted in one of the above films?

A. Mickey Rooney.

B. Frank Capra.

C. Luke Skywalker.

D. Ebenezer Scrooge.

2. Which film attracts people loving Christmas most?

A. Lost Horizon.

B. Mary Poppins.

C. Miracle on 34th Street.

D. Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope.

3. The passage is written to    ________.

A. advertise some new films.

B. interest foreign film lovers.

C. present some film standards.

D. recommend some family films.

【答案】1. A    2. C    3. D





细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句Mickey Rooney plays the younger son missing his older brother but trying to get on with his life in high school.Mickey Rooney饰演弟弟想念哥哥,但仍努力过着自己的高中生活。)可知Mickey Rooney在上述的一部电影中扮演了角色。故选A


细节理解题。根据第三段The Christmas classic was released in 1947, but it essentially set the stage for the 1950s. Its about the birth of the post-war consumer culture, and how affection for family and friends can be best expressed by the act of spending money.(这部圣诞经典之作于1947年上映,但它基本上为上世纪50年代奠定了基础。它讲述了战后消费文化的诞生,以及如何通过花钱来表达对家人和朋友的喜爱。)可知Miracle on 34th Street吸引了最喜欢圣诞节的人们。故选C



【点睛】写作意图推理判断题。作者一般不直接表明自己的意图,而是通过文章所提供的事实和理论依据,客观地使读者信服某种想法和观点。这种题型要求我们不仅要理解文章的内容,同时还要具备对作者阐述问题的写作手法进行归纳、总结和分析的能力。推测作者的写作意图时,不同体裁的文章有不同的写作目的。故事类记叙文的写作目的通常是娱乐读者(to entertain);广告类应用文的写作目的是推销产品或服务人们(to persuade);议论文的写作目的是阐述论点(to argue);科普文化类说明文的写作目的是介绍知识,帮助大家广闻博见(to inform)。如第三小题,结合文章内容主要为四部家庭电影的介绍,可知这篇文章是为了推荐一些家庭电影的。故选D

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