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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小985 K
  • 更新时间2020/5/25 9:44:36
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Long long ago, there lived in England a king named Midas. He was a man who wanted to get everything and loved gold better than anything else in the world.

   One day, he asked a god to give him more gold. The god decided to punish him and said, “Your wish is granted already. Everything you touch will turn to gold.”

   Midas was very happy when he heard this. The next morning, he got up early to test his skills. When he touched his bed, it turned to gold. “Gold!” cried Midas, laughing like a little boy, “It works.” Not only stones, flowers, and the furniture in his house turned to gold, but, when he sat down to table, so did the food he ate and the water he drank. He was unhappy now. Just then his daughter ran up to him. Midas touched her hand. At once she became a gold statue.

   At last, he begged the god to free him from his wish. “Go to the river and bathe in it.” said the god. So Midas did, and the water took away his golden touch.

21. The god decided to punish Midas because he was_______.

   A. lazy              B. proud         C. unhappy         D. greedy

22. The unlined word “granted” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “_________”.

   A. finished          B. satisfied       C. discussed        D. expected

23. Which is the correct order according to the story?

   a. Midas became the king of the England    b. His daughter turned to gold

   c. Midas was happy with his skill          d. The god freed him from his wish

   e. Midas asked god for more gold

   A. d-e-c-b-a      B. e-a-c-d-b      C. a-e-c-b-d        D. a-e-b-c-d

24. What can we learn from the story?

   A. God does not always bring happiness.      B. Where there is a will, there is a way.

   C. God helps those who help themselves.       D. Practice makes perfect.


D.Media devices affect kid's performance at school.

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