DANNY Boyle was in Beijing last week to promote Slumdog Millionaire, the Oscar-winning movie that is currently showing in over 2,000 cinemas across the country."It's a huge honor as not many [films] get permission," Boyle said.Only 20 major foreign films are released on the mainland every year, and Slumdog has received the fastest China premiere (首次公映)of any Oscar-winning film.The British director talked at length about why he believed the film has been such a hit.He put its success down to the universal, and international, themes it covers."I think the world is changing.It helped, as people want to watch different stories now.It's not just about money and success," he said."It's about love in the end.And I think every culture loves that idea." Boyle was so impressed by his trip to China that he hasn't ruled out a return to the country one day to shoot a film.